

This is necessary to ensure some of the more advanced features work smoothly. Add this to your main.dart before runApp().

await BccmPlayerInterface.instance.setup(); // don't worry, it completes in milliseconds.

Basic usage

Note: This is mostly to explain how things work. Even for simple use cases, we recommend skipping straight to "Advanced Usage".

// Use the primary player (always available and initialized)
final controller = BccmPlayerController.primary;
await controller.replaceCurrentMediaItem(
        url: '',
        mimeType: 'video/mp4',
        metadata: MediaMetadata(title: 'Apple advanced (HLS/HDR)'),

// or create a new one, optionally with a MediaItem
final controller = BccmPlayerController(
        url: '',
        mimeType: 'application/x-mpegURL',
        metadata: MediaMetadata(title: 'Apple advanced (HLS/HDR)'),
await controller.initialize();

// Show it via a widget
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return BccmPlayerView(controller);

// If you created a new player (not primary), remember to dispose it
void dispose() {
    if (!controller.isPrimary) {

Use the widgets:

  • BccmPlayerView(): The normal widget for displaying a video with controls.
  • VideoPlatformView(): A raw video widget
  • CastButton(): A button to connect to cast-enabled devices
  • MiniPlayer(): A skeleton widget included for convenience.